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MakeIcons Version 1.0
MakeIcons creates new icons and revises existing ones. You control the
operations MakeIcons will perform and the files on which it will perform
them. With existing icons you can have it replace icon images, replace
tooltypes, or make their positions automatic. You choose the types of files
it will operate on: drawers, projects, or tools. You control whether
MakeIcons will look inside drawers within the drawers you selected. You can
change the icons that MakeIcons will use as patterns.
MakeIcons is shareware. It's just $10. If you wouldn't buy it in a
store for that price send me what you would pay for it. If you wouldn't pay
anything for it I'd like to know why. Comments, criticisms, or suggestions
for improvements are welcome too.
Fabbian G. Dufoe, III
350 Ling-A-Mor Terrace South
St. Petersburg, Florida 33705
You start MakeIcons from the Workbench. Select MakeIcons and the
drawers containing the items you want to process using extended selection.
Click once on MakeIcons. Hold down the shift key and click on the other
icons. Double click on the last one. Release the shift key.
MakeIcons behaves differently depending on whether you select an icon
that can contain files (a disk or drawer icon) or an icon for a single file
(a project or tool icon). If you select a single file MakeIcons will work
on that file and no others. If you select a disk or drawer MakeIcons will
work on the files within that disk or drawer, but not on the disk or drawer
icon itself.
MakeIcons will open a small window that displays the name of the first
icon you selected and lets you select the options you want. The window
looks something like this.
*MakeIcons ©1991 by F. G. Dufoe, III *
* *
*File: *
* Create -------Replace Icon--------*
* Icons Images Tooltypes Position*
*Drawers: o o o o *
*Projects: o o o o *
*Tools: o o o o *
* o Include subdirectories *
*Files checked: *
*Icons created: *
* OK Cancel *
Options that are selected are identified by a check mark. You can
switch options on or off by checking their box. Move the mouse pointer to
the box and click the left button. Check boxes will toggle between selected
(a check mark appears) and unselected (the check mark disappears) states.
If you like you can pre-select which boxes will be checked when the window
opens by supplying "TOOL TYPES". The section below headed "Customizing"
tells you how to do it.
The vertical columns identify the four operations you can select.
Operations affect only those types of files which correspond to the row in
which the check box is selected. If a box in a column is checked here is
what the program does.
Create Icons Create icons for any files that don't already have
them. The icons will be arranged so they don't
Replace Icon
Images Replace the image for any existing icons with a new
Tooltypes For any existing icons, replace the stack size and
tooltypes information. (For project icons, replace
the default tool as well.)
Position Frees the icon from a fixed position so that it
will be arranged automatically.
You control the types of files you want MakeIcons to act on by checking
the boxes in the corresponding rows. For example, if you want to create
icons for directories but not for projects or tools and you don't want to
alter any existing icons you would select the check box in the "Create
Icons" column on the "Directories" row. You can select any combination of
rows and columns.
The option labelled "Include subdirectories" controls whether
MakeIcons will look inside drawers (also called directories) within the
drawers you selected. If you checked "Include subdirectories" MakeIcons
will open subdirectories and process the files inside them according to the
options you selected. If not MakeIcons will do what you asked to any
drawers it finds but it won't do anything to the files inside them.
Select the "OK" gadget to start processing or select the "Cancel"
gadget to end the program without doing anything.
You may change the icons that MakeIcons uses as patterns. MakeIcons
uses the icons in the "Icons" drawer as patterns for new icons. By changing
or replacing those icons you can change the icons that MakeIcons will
create. You can use the Workbench "Info" menu item to change the stack
size, tool types, and default tool for any icons. You can use the icon
editor (IconEd) on your Extras disk to change the icon images. Or you can
simply replace the icons with others you like better.
If you want to use lots of different patterns MakeIcons has an easy way
to do it. Add "DEFAULT=SELECT" to the MakeIcons tooltypes (see the
CUSTOMIZING section below for more information about changing tooltypes).
Now MakeIcons will use the first icon you select (after the MakeIcons
program icon) as the pattern. It will apply that pattern to any additional
icons you select. The "DEFAULT=SELECT" tooltype will pre-select all the
check boxes (except "Position") on the row corresponding to the icon type
you selected. You can, of course, change any of the check box selections if
you want.
For example, if you select MakeIcons, a tool called "Grep", another
tool called "Ls", and a drawer called "Junk" MakeIcons will pre-select the
check boxes on the "Tool" line. When you click the "OK" box MakeIcons will
replace the imagery and tooltypes for Ls and all the tool icons in Junk
with Grep's tooltypes and imagery. And it will create new tool icons for
any tools it finds in Junk which don't already have them.
If you started MakeIcons without selecting any icons there won't be an
"OK" or "Cancel" gadget. Instead, you'll see a message saying "No
directories were selected. Select close gadget to exit." Move the mouse
pointer to the close gadget in the upper left corner of the window and click
the left mouse button once.
If MakeIcons cannot find the drawer which holds the default icons it
will stop with an error message. MakeIcons looks in three drawers for the
default icons it uses. First it looks in the "Icons" drawer in the same
drawer with MakeIcons. Next it looks in "ENV:sys". Finally, it looks in
MakeIcons copies everything from the default icon except its name and
position when it creates a new icon. When MakeIcons modifies existing icons
it copies the information you selected from the default icons except for the
position. MakeIcons creates all its icons without a fixed position.
Workbench will arrange them so they don't overlap.
There must be three default icons in the default icons drawer: a drawer
icon named "def_drawer", a tool icon named "def_tool", and a project icon
named "def_project". To save disk space, the files these icons represent
may be deleted. Otherwise, there's nothing special about these icons. If
you don't like the ones in the icons drawer you can replace them with some
you like better. If the icons drawer is missing or if any of the icons are
missing MakeIcons will display a message to indicate what is missing. Here
are the messages you might see along with the corrective action you should
Couldn't find default icons drawer.
Create an "Icons" drawer in the same drawer as "MakeIcons". One
way to do that is to copy the "Empty" drawer from your Workbench
disk, then rename it to "Icons". Use the "Info" item from the
Workbench menu to determine the icon type if you have any doubt.
If you are using Workbench 2.0 you can use "IconEdit" from the
"Tools" drawer on your "Extras2.0" disk to copy (or draw) an icon,
then save it as a default icon. Workbench will create "ENV:sys"
to save it.
Couldn't find "def_tool" icon.
Create a tool icon named "def_tool" in the "Icons" drawer. If you
don't have an "Icons" drawer create the tool icon in "ENV:sys" or
"SYS:Prefs/Env-Archive/sys". You can find some tool icons in the
Utilities drawer of your Workbench disk. Copy one of those to the
default icons drawer, then rename it "def_tool". If you are using
Workbench 2.0 you can use "IconEdit" to copy (or draw) a tool
icon, then save it as a default icon. Workbench will create
"ENV:sys" to save it.
Couldn't find "def_project" icon.
Create a project icon named "def_project" in the "Icons" drawer.
If you don't have an "Icons" drawer create the tool icon in
"ENV:sys" or "SYS:Prefs/Env-Archive/sys". You can find project
icons on your application disks or you can create on by running
Notepad and saving a file. Copy the project icon and rename it
"def_project". If you are using Workbench 2.0 you can use
"IconEdit" to copy (or draw) a project icon, then save it as a
default icon. Workbench will create "ENV:sys" to save it.
Couldn't find "def_drawer" icon.
Create a drawer icon named "def_drawer" in the "Icons" drawer.
you can copy the "Empty" drawer from your Workbench disk, then
rename it to "def_drawer". If you are using Workbench 2.0 you can
use "IconEdit" to copy (or draw) a drawer icon, then save it as a
default icon. Workbench will create "ENV:sys" to save it.
"def_drawer" is not a drawer icon.
"def_project" is not a project icon.
"def_tool" is not a tool icon.
Replace the icon with one of the proper type. Use the "Info" item
from the Workbench menu to see an icon's type. MakeIcons will not
work unless it can find a drawer icon named "def_drawer", a
project icon named "def_project", and a tool icon named
You can change the icon generation options that will be selected by
default. Select MakeIcons, then choose "Info" from the Workbench menu. Set
the options by adding or deleting "TOOL TYPES". These are the entries and
the options they affect:
Selects boxes in the "Create Icons" column. If "DIRS" is present
the "Drawers" box will be checked. If "PROJECTS" is present the
"Projects" box will be selected. If "TOOLS" is present the
"Tools" box will selected.
Selects boxes in the "Replace Images" column. If "DIRS" is
present the "Drawers" box will be checked. If "PROJECTS" is
present the "Projects" box will be selected. If "TOOLS" is
present the "Tools" box will selected.
Selects boxes in the "Replace Tooltypes" column. If "DIRS" is
present the "Drawers" box will be checked. If "PROJECTS" is
present the "Projects" box will be selected. If "TOOLS" is
present the "Tools" box will selected.
Selects boxes in the "Replace Position" column. If "DIRS" is
present the "Drawers" box will be checked. If "PROJECTS" is
present the "Projects" box will be selected. If "TOOLS" is
present the "Tools" box will selected.
Selects "Include subdirectories".
MakeIcons will use the first icon (excluding the icon for the
MakeIcons program) as the template for that type of icon and all
operations for that type of icon will be selected (overriding the
other Tooltypes settings). All the operations for other types of
icons will be cleared.
In closing, a brief word about trashcans. AmigaDOS normally creates a
directory (drawer) called "Trashcan" when it formats a disk. At the same
time it creates a "Garbage" icon for it. A "Garbage" icon has some special
properties. It can't be discarded and it can't be moved out of its window.
When it is selected its contents can be deleted by choosing the "Empty
Trash" item from the Workbench "Disk" menu.
You can rename "Trashcan". There is nothing about the "Garbage" icon
type that prevents renaming. And you can use the command line interface
(CLI) or shell to delete the directory, the icon, or both.
What's tricky about "Garbage" icons is that all the special qualities
are in the icon, not the directory the icon represents. MakeIcons leaves
"Garbage" icons alone. As long as a directory has a "Garbage" icon
associated with it MakeIcons will recognize it as a trashcan and ignore it.
But without an icon MakeIcons can't distinguish it from any other directory
and will create a drawer icon for it.